Dental Implant

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are easily the most popular and also the ideal solution, for replacing your missing tooth/teeth. They have definitely changed the course of dentistry in the last quarter of a century or so.

A dental implant is basically a titanium post which is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line to work as a tooth root. Post insertion, an implantologist will attach a crown on top of the implant to ensure the appearance of a natural tooth.

Tooth Implants not only look and feel like your natural teeth but also function like.

Before & After Picture Gallery

Single tooth replacementx-ray view


Single tooth replacement clinical view


Multiple teeth replacement step-1


Multiple teeth replacement step-2


Why dental implants?

One can face the problem of missing teeth at any point in life. Tooth loss can be due to trauma, accident, severe gum disease, tooth decay or even due to poor oral hygiene. If left untreated missing teeth can lead to various consequences such as:

Dental Implants help to overcome all the above-mentioned problems. They are no doubt the best, and most popular solution for the replacement of missing teeth. Dental implants are fit for every individual having missing teeth irrespective of their age and gender. 

With a 98% success rate, implants assure dental patients about their teeth and gum’s wellbeing.

Dental Implants are essentially a ‘titanium screw’ which is fused with the Jaw Bone.

Advantages of dental implants